LA Book Launch Party Photos |

Lovely Nicole helps me set up.

Where would I have been without Richard La Dez? He did security and everything else! And guys, he is the man to call if you need security at an event! |

Hey Bruce : )

Taking lovely Dree under my wing. :)

Access Hollywood and Rory Skinny Bitch Freeman. |

With Lovely Lori from Animal Acres. |

Yep -- I think that officially makes me the luckiest gal in California. |

Buster singing. |

Introducing my adorable neighbors to Hannah Mermaid. "She's not a real mermaid!" said Frankie. But soon he was captivated by her tales as well as her tail.

Beautiful women -- inside even more than out (if that is possible).

Adorable Dree does the Access thing. |

Daniela chooses a t-shirt.

Power gals!

Karen Dawn, Emily Deschanel, Hannah Mermaid Fraser |

Emily tells Access Hollywood that the number one thing we can do for the environment is to eat less meat and dairy. |

Voice coach Larry Miller.

My girl Rory!

Dree checks out Thanking the Monkey.
Dree Louise

Jorja (CSI) sings the praises of plant based diets for Access Hollywood.

The gals worry over what they will be reading.

Buster takes center stage as Jorja talks to Access Hollywood and Hannah entertains my neighbors.

Love her!

Now I am the envy of every man at that party!

Doing the reading thing. |

Beautiful Hannah listens attentively.

Actor, activist, and lovely friend Billy Macnama reads from Thanking the Monkey.

Rory leaves in disgrace after she and Emily get the worse case of the giggles while reading about animal cruelty!

What a beautiful attentive audience. Who loves his mommy?

Dree goes over her reading.

Having fun chatting with Access. |

With my little honeybunch -- Nicole is an amazing activist, and a fantastic drinking buddy.

Another mermaid cuddle! |

Karen Dawn

Introducing Daniela |


Strike a pose! |


Taking a break from all that Hollywood rubbish.

Just a fun inspired photo from Derek Goes.

My gorgeous gal (and terrific activist) Susan!

Chatting with Supreme Master TV. |

Paula got banished for threatening to eat puppies. She was just joking!

Hannah Mermaid Fraser is married to surfer David Rastovich. They save whales together!

Ari is a great friend and a great barman in need!

Rory and Emiy trying to be serious. Sigh.

Dree Hemingway Crisman

Karen Dawn

Synthian no doubt saying, "Get thee to a nunnery!" Check out 'Exit Orpheia" for that reference. : )

Karen Dawn

Two beautiful Cordones

Jorja's fabulous reading of the Shirley and Jenny story (Urban Elephant) was the highlight of the afternoon. |

Daniela read, 'He's Just Not That into Ewe," about experiments aimed at making gay rams straight, from Chapter Six of Thanking the Monkey.

Daniela Sea